How to Write a Board Report

A well-written board report can help a committee effectively communicate with the entire board. To create efficient reports, it’s crucial to think carefully about the best way to structure and present the content to ensure that board members have all the information they need to make the right decisions for the organization.

Although writing a board report may be challenging for some, with the right approach it is possible to create engaging and informative committee reports that will support informed decision-making and effective oversight. The following are the key elements to consider when preparing a report for your board.

1. Barbara Anderson, a non-executive board chair and member of four different boards, states that you must clearly state the intent of your document. This is crucial to the success of any board paper as it tells your very busy readers that you are writing to inform, solicit their opinions or request a decision.

2. Avoid using too much jargon or technical language, and make sure you are sure to understand the context of what you’re presenting. Board members have a lot of work to do and will likely read your report ahead of the meeting to formulate their questions, and therefore should be able digest the information quickly and efficiently.

3. Give a meaningful analysis and interpretation of the data that you are presenting. Data alone can’t convey a story. It must be accompanied by analysis and interpretation in order to give the numbers meaning. This will help your board members understand the positives and challenges facing your business.

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