Board Room Training – How to Thrive in the Board Room

In a boardroom, major decisions are taken that will affect everyone from the employees of a company to the shareholders who own the shares. These meetings are held in a room big enough to seat everyone and set in a setting that promotes privacy. These rooms could be specially identified, but they may also be basic conference spaces. The most common requirement for these spaces is that they are soundproofed. This helps ensure that the discussion doesn’t get overheard and interrupted.

Whether you are currently serving on a board of directors or seeking to join in the future there are plenty of factors to think about when it comes to preparing for your first meeting. This includes conducting a skills audit and identifying a director doppelganger and gaining knowledge of the ins and outs of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Both aspiring directors and current directors need to be educated. A program for governance of boards, such as NACD Accelerate, will help develop your governing skills and prepare you for success in the boardroom.

The course covers all the important aspects of proactive governance like controlling strategic direction, risk oversight and compensation. Participants will master the fundamentals of corporate leadership, and gain practical experience in a mock-boardroom.

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